• D76. A.J. Wolfe, K.J. Parella, and L. Movileanu, 2019, High-Throughput Screening of Protein-Detergent Complexes Using Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy, Curr. Protoc. Protein Sci. 97(1), e96. [pdf]
  • D75. A.K. Thakur and L. Movileanu, 2019, Single-molecule protein detection in a biofluid using a quantitative nanopore sensor, ACS Sens. 4(9), 2320-2326. [pdf] 
  • D74. M.G. Larimi, L.A. Mayse, and L. Movileanu, 2019, Interactions of a Polypeptide with a Protein Nanopore Under Crowding Conditions, ACS Nano 13(4), 4469-4477. [pdf] 
  • D73. A.K. Thakur and L. Movileanu, 2019, Real-time measurement of protein-protein interactions at single-molecule resolution using a biological nanopore, Nature Biotechnol. 37(1), 96-101. [pdf]